Why Email Marketing?
Newsletters are all the rage. Almost every single time you jump on a website, you’re asked to sign-up to receive a weekly email. As we’ve said in the past, email is still ahead of social media in terms of effectiveness. But, what’s the deal with the newsletter? Despite it’s effectiveness, why is it valued so highly? A great article onTech Crunch by Klint Finley moved to answer these questions and more. And, we’re going to share all the great stuff it had to say 🙂
Freedom Of Expression
They first note that email offers much more freedom of expression than other outlets. You’re not always sure what your Facebook feed will offer, and twitter only gives you so many characters to share how you feel. But, the newsletter is different, it can be a more personal as it’s only sent out to the select few people that have signed up.
People Pay More Attention
Secondly, consumers pay more attention to email than they do other social media channels. In the long run, this can be very effective and important in developing a long-term relationship with them, as they see what you have to offer every time they check their inbox.
Email Is Everywhere
Thirdly, email is everywhere, all the time. You can access email on almost all platforms now? phone, tablet, computer, and even your watch.
Less Clutter
Fourthly, there is less clutter in your inbox than there is on other social media outlets. Just as Klint says in his Tech Crunch article, “My inbox is a nightmarish hellscape. But I’d rather visit one nightmarish hellscape per day than a dozen.”
Email Is The Original Social Media
Last but not least, fifthly: As Klint says, “Email is the original social media.” It’s been easy-to-use since the beginning of time, and hasn’t been changed or modified to offer anything more than a place to send a receive email. Through all the craziness and change that platforms go through, email has remained static? and simple because of it.
To check out Klint’s Tech Crunch article, click here.