How Big Companies Do Email Marketing

According to a study by SimpleRelevance, many top retailers are not leveraging their data in their email marketing efforts. This is quite a big loss, considering that such data can help them to personalize their email marketing campaigns, and allow them to better connect with customers.

The study used data from email marketing campaigns from giants like Amazon, Walmart, Netflix and Walgreens, to name a few. That said, the data that the study used was only from 418 emails in total. Though 78% of product recommendations were customized for their customers, apparently, and shockingly, only 37% of the emails offered a truly personalized experience.  Furthermore, only 10% of the 418 emails contained images of their products and offerings? A low number considering the effectiveness that images can have on conversions.

As you can see from the following graphics, SimpleRelevance also found that of the 17 companies, 40% sent less than one email per week, and 109 of the 418 emails had subject lines of 50 words or longer. The third image shows words that are most used in subject lines by these huge companies.

Emails Sent Per Week

Longest Subject Lines

 Words most used in subject lines