More People Are Opening Up Their Emails On Their Mobile Devices

An insightful study by IgnitionOne recently highlighted some really neat findings about how consumers use their smartphones to check their emails.

Emails Are Not Just Opened, Also Read On Mobile Phones

Apparently, more and more people are using their smartphones to not only check emails, but also open them. According to their report, IgnitionOne found that the number of mobile emails opens  rose from 36% in 2012 to 48% in 2014.

Rethinking Email Marketing Campaings

This is incredibly useful information, as companies that run marketing campaigns will need to think in terms of mobile opens as that rate continues to increase. Already, many industries have a mobile open rate that exceeds 50%. The increase in email opening on tablets was somewhat minimal in comparison to smartphones, but it’s worth noting that there was a 12% jump from 2013 to 2014.

See the full report here!