Email Marketing Guide And Goals For 2015
Well folks, it’s 2015, and January is the best month to start planning how to best use email marketing to your advantage this year. That said, there are many different things to think about, and the DirectIQ team is here to help you do just that. How can we help, you ask? Simple! By sharing how we went about planning for the year ahead 🙂
When assessing your email marketing goals for 2015, a good place to start is by reviewing both your past successes and failures in 2014. At DirectIQ, the newsletter team sat down and discussed our accomplishments, and then we talked about how we could do more with what we already achieved. Through this discussion, we were lucky enough to learn how such successes could potentially impact the areas that we struggled in. When we took a look at where would could improve, we asked ourselves a multitude of questions, for example: Should we try again? Should we scrap an idea completely? We went through various scenarios, thinking about whether or not a failed campaign would actually do better under different circumstances. We highly recommend this exercise, you’re going to learn a lot more from it going into 2015 than you think. Furthermore, it’s a good team-building excercise.
After going over 2014, the next thing we did was create a list of new goals, as well as a calendar for 2015 to supplement those goals. Our calendar is probably the most coveted item in the DirectIQ office, it reminds us when we’re supposed to pump out our newsletter, furthermore, it helps us consider the frequency with which to send it out. In other words, although our subscribers now expect one newsletter every two weeks, they might also be getting one more at different points in the year, with new promotions 🙂
After we picked newsletter frequency, and the dates we want to send it out, the newsletter team started prepping. We believe that prepping far in advance is a good recipe for success. How are we prepping, you ask? ? Well, we don?t want to share too many secrets but here’s one example: we are already working on a holiday newsletter template for December 2015 – as crazy as that sounds? But anyway, we hope that this guide benefits you as much as we hope it benefits us, and that you learn a lot through talking out what worked and what didn’t 🙂