Why Create Your Own Email List Rather Than Buying One

To get the most out of your email marketing campaigns, you’ll want to build a targeted list of prospective and current customers. Many companies seek to increase the absolute size of their e-mail lists through purchasing an external, 3rd party list. After making the investment, many companies realize the drawbacks to the transaction. For both regulatory and marketing purposes, building your own organic email marketing list helps to ensure you remain on the right track in terms of delivery, regulatory compliance and brand building. Making an investment in building your in-house list provides a number of advantages in the long term.

Drawbacks to Buying Email Lists

It is a common practice to advertise on related industry newsletters to generate traffic to your own opt-in page. These marketing techniques, if implemented properly, can help grow your internal e-mail list with the proper opt-in requirements. On the other hand, buying a list of email addresses can put you at the risk of getting your emails blocked. Since you don’t know the quality or reliability of the list, there’s no way to be sure the list owner collected the emails through proper means.

Another important consideration is the targeting of the purchased lists. For example, if you’re a men’s apparel retailer, there’s no way to be sure the list contains those who may be interested in your newsletter. While many bulk email sellers make demographic promises, you should double check. Only by properly collecting your own list can you be assured of its applicability. Even if the seller provides access to a database of emails, they may also rent out the list to other marketers, further diluting its uses. By building your own organic list in?house you maximize the chances of success in your campaign in the long term.

Benefits of Building Email Lists

When you embark upon building an internal email list, you are making a long term investment. Investing in brand customer relationships is always a smart decision. The process of collecting targeted addresses can provide you with a wealth of data about subscriber’s interests. You can gain insights into intent and demographics since you can request optional information such as preferences, birth date and zip code. When you build your own email database, you have access to a full wealth of analytics data. These data points include the user’s traffic path and destination, so you properly segment your lists. Building an email list is a comprehensive learning process that allows you to better understand your customer’s intentions and interests along the way.

There are many ways of collecting subscriber information. The most common include opt-in boxes on your existing sites, as well as promotions tied to other marketing campaigns. Since you’re likely investing quite a bit in marketing, gaining subscribers is a good way to up sell your existing client base while nurturing potential leads in a more meaningful way. Creating an organic email list provides a unique opportunity. From these lists you can learn more about them, as well as your marketing must-haves. Email marketing can become one of the most effective marketing channels for your company when properly integrated into your campaigns.