Iphone Dominates February 2014 Email Open Rates
Litmus published yesterday its monthly Email Client Market Share report calculated from 323 million opens tracked by the email test company.
According to these reports iPhone still holds the #1 spot with 25% of total opens while Gmail continues to climb slowly since it recently decided to automatically enable images a few months ago which clearly helped DirectIQ and other Email Service Providers to more accurately track email opens.
Top Ten Email Clients
#1 Apple iPhone 25% +1.25
#2 Outlook 13% -0.06
#3 Apple iPad 12% +0.44
#4 Gmail 10% +0.77
#5 Google Android 9% -2.46
#6 Apple Mail 8% +0.17
#7 Outlook.com 6% -0.14
#8 Yahoo! Mail 5% -0.34
#9 Windows Live Mail 3% +0.11
#10 Windows Mail 2% +0.01