How Wearables Can Affect Marketing
Back in October, we wrote a post talking about how the Apple watch will affect email marketing, and we want to explore that idea even more today by asking it again, as well as how wearables can affect marketing in general? It’s a question that marketers really need to consider, especially as the user adoption of wearables could be much faster and swifter than it was with smartphones. When smartphones were first introduced to the public, they didn?t seem like much of a necessity, and there weren?t many apps or games to play with — and while some argue that they still aren?t needed, many claim that they can?t live without them.
It’s fair to say that with a multitude of apps already out there in the marketplace, and with yearly growth of app usage, wearables (especially Apple’s watch) have a unique advantage over smartphones upon their release. The smartphone proved it’s importance in becoming so intrinsically connected to modern life that it’s lead many to believe that the smart watch could do the same. And while the DirectIQ team knows that smart watches have been available for quite some time, we believe that adoption of them on a grand scale will really start with (and perhaps end with) the Apple Watch (not because we’re Apple people, but because they’re known to start tech trends)… But back to our original question about wearables and marketing, and how to stay on top of the game. Here is our advice:
For one, the already important subject line becomes even more important, and if a wearable user checks their email, they will judge it’s importance by the subject line alone. So it’s super important to check out our guide to crafting the perfect subject lines. If wearable users are expected to seamlessly switch, or use a ?handoff? as Apple calls it, from their smart watch to access something on their smartphone, they will do so because of an engaging subject line. One issue for many marketers will be that they can?t various metrics on wearables, so it might be a good idea to take advantage of the smart watch as strictly a notification system, and again, that starts with taking into deep consideration the writing of a subject line.
As we’re unsure how emails will look on the Apple Watch, it’s important to consider a CTA that can be taken advantage of swiftly through your phone, so that when a ?handoff? does occur, it’s as easy as possible for the consumer to access it. We wrote about this recently, and how consumers respond better to optimization and cohesiveness, and how they prefer that websites and apps have similar looks across all devices. In other words, mobile optimization is becoming increasingly important, and when we gain more details as to how we might be able to access emails on the Apple watch — it’s important to think about how that notification will look. For now though, simple text emails might be the initial way to go as Apple watches are adopted on a larger scale, and until we learn more about them.